Women in Higher in Education in Tennessee Board Meeting

Conference Call

January 29, 2015

1:00 p.m.

Board Members on the Call: Jewell Winn, Henrietta Kellum-Lusk, Nancy Ramsey, Cissy Holt, Cassandra Anderson, Patricia Burks-Jelks, Arlene Nichols-Phillips, Shanna Jackson and Ramona Whitworth

Called to Order at 1:07 p.m. by Jewell Winn

West Regional meeting by Cassandra Anderson—on March 25th, instead of doing a regional conference, Cassandra and Henrietta will host an informational session at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis. Also, we need to come up with a model for all informational sessions.

Webinar—Connie came up with an outline for the webinar for Chapters at institutions, but it was decided at the retreat, to engage the Institutional Representatives (IR’s) in WHET. Therefore, our webinar discussion will consist of getting our IR’s involved in activities throughout the year.

ATHENA awards—Board members are encouraged to support CABLE Nashville for the 2015 ATHENA awards on March 26 at the Centennial Parthenon. Arlene will be a judge at the event; Regina will represent WHET; and Dalila is a Young Professional nominee.

Membership Committee—Needs an updated welcome letter.

Legislative Panel—will be February 18th, at the TSU’s Avon Williams Campus at 8:00 a.m. Member are encouraged to attend. We will set-up a table for membership recruitment opportunities. Ramona will check on ordering a tablecloth with the WHET logo on it. Also, we will look into order a kangaroo for the table in the near future.

WHET Day on the Hill—Most board members agreed that March 4th is a better day for this event, which will be for a half day. We will meet with specific legislatures and have lunch afterwards. We need as many IR’s and members to go, possibly twenty.

Strategic Plan—Shanna wants to get input from each regional conference, and present the compiled information at the annual conference.

Budget—Jewell read from LaKeisha’s report: We did not make as money at the 2014 conference. It is suggested that we spend less on the upcoming conference. We need to review documents and prepare an annual budget by mid February.

Constant Contact—is used to organize our contacts. A motion was moved, seconded, and carried to continue to use this service.

Storage—WHET needs official storage other than someone’s garage. The Avon Williams Campus has storage available for $60.00 a month. Therefore, a motion was moved, seconded and carried that we look into renting a 5 X 5 storage for no more than $60.00 a month.

Board Member Insurance Quotes—it was moved, seconded and carried that we use State Farm Insurance for $475.00 a year to protect the board.

Communication Plan—Arlene suggests we send out newsworthy information quarterly, instead of monthly for WHET members only. Announcements on social media and email will increase.

Women of Legend and Merit—will be held on March 24, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at the Millennium Maxwell House. The cost is $100. Taraji P. Henson will be the speaker. Proceeds benefit the Women’s Center at Tennessee State University.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.