Women in Higher Education in Tennessee is pleased to share with you resources that will empower the professional development and advancement of women in institutions across Tennessee. 

“Community Colleges: Access to Success”, presented by the American Association of University Women (AAUW).  As the Foreword of the report states, “the American Association of University Women (AAUW) has been a leading voice for women in education and the workplace for more than a century.”   This report presents an overview of the goals and realities of female community college students today and serves as a call to action to strengthen federal legislation as well as to improve services on individual campuses in order to ensure that female students at community colleges can access, pursue, and achieve the educational and economic opportunities of the 21st century.

Association of American Colleges & Universities (www.aacu.org)

The American Council on Education (www.acenet.edu)

Women and Leadership (www.pewsocialtrends.org)

The Most Undervalued Leadership Traits of Women (www.forbes.com)