WHET Executive Board Meeting Minutes

August 28, 2014

Conference Call

1:30 p.m.


Board Members present: Jewell Winn, Dalila Duarte, Patricia Burks-Jelk, Lori Groves-White, Regina Henry, La Kiesha Armstrong, Lisa Borre, Henrietta Kellum-Lusk, Shanna Jackson, Nancy Ramsey, Connie Huddleston

I.Call to Order at by President Jewell Winn

Motion to accept the August 28, 2014 board meeting minutes with the corrections as noted.
Motion carried

III.Treasurer’s Report – La Kiesha Armstrong

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report
Motion carried

IV.Membership- Patricia/Lisa

  1. New institutional membership-TCAT Jackson
  2. One new individual member
  3. Personal letter to invite new institutional WHET memberships and institutional membership renewals will be sent to institutional representatives on September 2.
    Membership effective dates:  October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015; dues- $200

V.Old Business

  1. WHET Survey- To date 32 respondents of 75 members
  2. Scheduled to close survey on August 29, 2014
  3. Review WHET bylaws and submit recommendation for changes to Lisa Borre by Tuesday, September 2, 2014
  4. Distribute proposals for bylaws changes to membership by September 9th
  5. West TN Regional Conference is Friday, September 5th at Jackson State CC, Student Hall 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  Revision- the new presenters has been secured.

VI. Annual Conference and Pending Items

  1. President Winn sent a personal invitation to community colleges and four-year institutional Presidents requesting their presence at Thursday evening reception and Friday annual conference.  Dr. Mary Lou Apple and Dr. Wendy Thompson asked Presidents during council meeting to announce upcoming WHET conference at their respective institutions
  2. Requests for board members to issue campus communications about Call for Proposals, WHET membership and Annual Conference
  3. Board members to solicit vendor participation at the annual conference.
    $75 sponsorship fee for vendors to promote goods and services.  Fee increased from $50 to cover MTSU $25 vendor fee.
    MTSU must approve all vendors prior to conference.  Connie Huddleston will send list of vendors for approval by September 25, 2014.

Institutional membership letters disbursed by September 2, 2014

  1. Dr. Jackson will communicate with Dr. Berryman to clarify/finalize cost for keynote luncheon speaker- Dr. Idahhlynn Karre- budget range $1,500 – $2,000 including travel.
  2. Conference registrants immediately receive an access code to complete test online before attending conference
  3. Committees to start planning immediately-
  4. Call for proposals due Friday, September 12th
  5. Edits on the conference flyer- remove text ‘Systems Leaders’ from Thursday, 4:00 and insert break between WHET conference fee and membership fees.
    Add membership fees effective October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015.
  6. Conference sub-committees list to be redistributed by Henrietta Kellum-Lusk
  7. Lisa Borre provided links to the WHET forms and applications currently in Formstack:

Call for Proposals: www.tinyurl.com/whetCFP

Conference Registration: www.tinyurl.com/whet2014

Patricia Pierce Conference Scholarshiphttp://tinyurl.com/piercescholarship

Hal R. Ramer Professional Development Scholarship: http://tinyurl.com/ramerscholarship

June Anderson Award – online nomination form: http://tinyurl.com/andersonaward

Woman of Achievement Award – online nomination form: http://tinyurl.com/WHETWOA

VII.Other Business

  1. Lisa Borre is the spotlight member of the month.
  2. WHET is a silver co-sponsor for the Women’s Economic Council Foundation. All board members are invited to the Sunday, October 19th complimentary reception from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. to be held in the Capital Ballroom of the Nashville Airport Marriott.

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. (central time)

Meeting duration approximate 30 minutesconference subcommittees to report progress
Call in:  605-475-4000

Participant Access Code – 221962#


Meeting adjourned by President Winn at 2:29 p.m.